Greetings, veiwers

( Here’s the link ) Hello viewers I was going through pics on google when I saw this one and I liked it so I thought I would post it so you guys could see, enjoy!! Ok well I’m here I might as well continue the post.

Fire and Water, If you put them together soon all you have is nothing. But yet we need both to survive. We need water to drink, and fire for warmth. They both have their qualities that we love and qualities that can destroy us. Yet all we have to do is bring the other and they will fight it out with no winner- both disappearing. But we can use fire to heat water, or water to contain fire- interesting that the things that cancel each other out can also be used to help the other create.

I have things to do so its time for a song. Enjoy Jukebox Hero by Foreigner * *


Hello viewers I have an very important question: Is Crona from Soul Eater a boy or an girl? I am one of those who believe he is an guy because that is the gender they go with in the anime. Besides if she was a girl wouldn’t it be a little weird to have a guy growing out of her back? What do you think? Feel free to leave a comment below. Ok while your thinking this over enjoy some pics that I liked of Crona ( & Ragnarok )

   Chibi Crona ❤

* Heres the links to the pictures!: , , ,  , , *

ok so this isn’t a Crona pic but it made me laugh:

  sad thing is its not really that funny…  *heres the link:,r:49,s:600,i:151&iact=rc&dur=1152&page=18&tbnh=168&tbnw=300&ndsp=37&tx=192&ty=85


Oh yeah, I almost forgot a song…  Please enjoy Inner Ninja by Classified * * I picked this song to keep with the soul eater theme, cant you just see an AMV doing this song featuring black star ( & maybe Mifune). That would be great, somebody make it and give me an link!!!

Interesting pics & song of the day

Hey guys I have things to do so I’m just going to post some pictures that I found interesting/amazing


Oh yes, I almost forgot the song for the day. Please enjoy 21 Guns by Green Day * * ( Here’s the links to the pictures- I sadly did not have time to draw so I just went on Google. All the credit goes to these guys for making the pictures, I am simply just re-posting them here. Enjoy!!!,r:37,s:0,i:269&iact=rc&dur=2254&page=2&tbnh=162&tbnw=311&start=20&ndsp=25&tx=280&ty=100,r:33,s:0,i:257&iact=rc&dur=360&page=2&tbnh=182&tbnw=259&start=21&ndsp=26&tx=106&ty=84×1080/moon-sea-night-clouds-wave-nature-4773.html&docid=n0KE7V3A_se5qM&imgurl=,r:66,s:200,i:202&iact=rc&dur=1742&page=11&tbnh=182&tbnw=259&ndsp=25&tx=150&ty=91,r:11,s:500,i:37&iact=rc&dur=719&page=20&tbnh=178&tbnw=259&ndsp=27&tx=156&ty=81,r:5,s:200,i:19&iact=rc&dur=847&page=8&tbnh=172&tbnw=237&ndsp=29&tx=105&ty=85 )

New theme & bg

Hi guys yeah I know that this is a different background and theme then what I usually have. The background is just temporary and I will make a new one as soon as possible. And well this is going to be the new theme (for now anyways) of the blog. I hope you guys enjoy the new changes- if you don’t leave a comment and I’ll change it asap. Well I really don’t have much more to say so I guess I’ll post a song. Enjoy We Are the Champions by Queen * *


the sands of time slip through
I am unable to freeze time
to stay in this moment forever-
what will be left are the memories
they will be mine forever, living in my heart

Hello viewers. One thing that we do on a regular basis is make memories, whether we realize it or not. We rely on these precious parts of our past to help us in life. Everyday we remember what we need to do, although sometimes we forget at the time. I remembering that the brain never forgets anything, and that it is stored in our memory until we need it. I just have one question about that statement, If that is true then why do we forget things before tests? Perhaps that is not the true moment when we need the information.

Well I have things to do, so I guess its time for a song. Please enjoy Pirates of the Caribbean symphonic suite * *

Pajamas & Sweaters

Good morning guys!!! (erm for those of you who are like Im a girl!! Well Im a girl too- so don’t take offense…) Ok well here I am in comfy pajamas and a warm sweater blogging to you guys, so im gonna write about pajamas and sweaters.

1) Pajamas: these range in size, height, material, and design- but most of them are pretty comfy and keep you warm- or cool if their summer pajamas. Yes well if these articles of clothing are so likeable how come barley anyone wears them outside their house? Remember when you were little and you wanted to wear your pajamas to school (and it wasn’t “pajama day”) so your parents said no- why did they do that? Why did society make it so that is is unusual to see someone walking around clad in pajamas? Oh but there are exceptions, like if its in the morning and your just going to a car to get something and come back. Or if you just had a sleepover with some friends. See how those event are all before afternoon? And then there’s some occasions when things are forgotten in the car and you’ve already changed into your pajamas so you throw on a sweater and make the trek out side. Yes isn’t that weird that we only wear pajamas during times when people are sleeping or when were at home just watching tv or on the computer? But pajamas can also be an excuse if someone want you to go outside but you don’t want to- “Im only wearing pajamas, and I have no clothes washed.” Well that is probly enough on pajamas now on to sweaters.

2) Sweaters: These can be light or heavy, warm or cooler, and of course the designs will very. Sweaters can be worn at anytime in the day, or at night, during any season. Yes well why are these cozy items considered differently than pajamas? Sweaters offer protection, warm, and creativity. Sweaters range in many colours and many sizes from fitted to baggy. Very much like pajamas- except we don’t sleep in these, well we might but not usually. Is that the reason why we regard them in different categories?


Well no matter what time of day (or night) it is pajamas and sweater are both ways to stay warm, to state your style, and multiple other things! Yes my friends enjoy your warmth of pajamas now, and when it gets time to take on the day, grab one of those wonderful sweaters.


This video made my life!!! * * (or the shorter version- ) And now Im going to relate to life- YOUR WELECOME!!! Well in life there are the bros who are really annoying, then there’s the average bro- who after awhile gets pissed at the annoying one and snaps. And finally there are the ones who don’t give a fuck- and keep on with their life. Feeling enlightened? Yeah well since you guys can probly tell from the video- I like Despicable Me I am an absolute lover of the movie. AND GUESS WHAT???? I saw the trailer for number2 on the t.v. the other day- and I was beyond pumped. I told some of my friends  that I saw it and they were really amused by enthusiasm. Apparently Its pretty funny to watch me pumped about this movie *shrug* Who doesn’t love little yellow minion bros?

Ok well I have things to do so I leave this video of what happens when a minion discovers a banana * *

Destined for Greatness

 Up that is where we look,

Up towards the greats

Up towards the heavens

We strive to travel up

to go where no man has gone before

though not all stairs lead to the same destination.


There are some who lack belief

doomed to stay on ground

but don’t look back,

friends follow me


We are going to climb higher

higher than any before-

For if you fall I’ll catch you


You don’t have to climb to the greats alone.

I will never leave your side

for it takes more then one


An author cannot produce an novel

by themselves- No

it takes the effort of many determined souls

To get it to greatness-

You cannot do this alone


Let me help you-

I cant promise that you wont fall-

but this I can promise you-

I will get you to your feet again


You are on your way to greatness-

I will never let you down

Together we will see it

greatness for all.


I believe in you-

for in your destiny

I can see it

You are destined to be you-

and that Is why you will be great.


These pretty little sign are symbols needed in many card games. My favorite game of cards is probably Keiser. If we look at the cards we see that every suit has a Ace, King, Queen, Jack ,10 ,9, & an 8. The spade suit ♠ also has a 3. This 3 of spades is worth -3 points. The heart suit  has an 5, this 5 is worth +5 points. And the clubs ♣ & diamonds both have a 7. As in life you never know who will have that 3 ♠ or that 5 , whether it is your partner or your foe. You can not plan out your whole life- you can just go with what is dealt to you and what plays out. Decisions will influence out comes and out comes will influence decisions, because that is how life is. No matter how long you want to change the playout of the game, you can only do so with your next move. And some you have no way to win- you only have so many turns in your life.