Hey guys so two days ago I went to a car show, but while I was there I was drawn to a book sale at the library. You have no idea how wonderful it is to hold a giant bag and get to fill it full of books! I got to go in a whole separate room where they had all the books for sale and I got to fill a bag that I purchased at the library with books for only 10 dollars. It is a wonderfull (oh be quiet spellcheck, I like to spell wonderful with two l’s not one… um sorry for the random note…) feeling to be surrounded by books knowing that soon they could be yours! I spent over an hour in that room looking at books, and selecting which ones I wanted to put in my bag. I ended up picking 30 or so and currently they’re just sitting in the lovely red bag that I selected, waiting for me to go over there and read them. And this wasn’t even my library! I was so lucky to stumble upon this little jewel! Yeah guys im pretty happy I have a whole bag of books that I bought from that library and then I bought 10 or so last week and 2 today. Yup I think im set for the summer! 🙂 Yeah, so I ended up looking at more books then cars, but that’s ok cause I did get to see a few and I’ll probly be going to another car show in august! Thanks for reading, and have a great day you wonderfull people who read my blog!!!

Hey there my fantabulous viewers!! I’m so sorry for the lack of posts but I have and will be going on adventures/making memories so when I have time to post I should have lots to tell! But currently I have to leave but I shall post later, so until then farewell my readers!!

The baseball whizzed past causing me jump. Once again my sister has thrown the ball over the plate. It soon hits the back of the fence, making a sound as the ball hits the metal. The ball was not close enough to touch me but yet ever time she wound up I would feel fear. What will I do if she misses? Will she hit me? I snapped out of what I was thinking just in time to see her get ready once again. My heart beats faster as once more the fear on being hit flooded my brain. Why Oh Why am I standing here inside the batters box? I don’t even play base ball! If only she would have been getting strikes when she was just aiming without me standing here! Then she never would have gotten the great idea that I should stand in the batters box so she could make sure that she was getting proper aim. I jump back as yet another “strike” comes towards me.  My heart  is beating like wild, I want so much to quit, but I cant let her down. She needs me, my sister needs me to help her so she can become a better player. If I quit now then she wont improve, She will continue to miss just by a bit. But If I stay here then I can help her become a better player. And once she is that player this will all be worth it. And that is why I am standing here in the batters box…


Hey my viewers! Enjoy some quotes!!!:)


Importance of life

WARNING: THIS POST WILL HAVE SOME SPOILERS FOR FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST (2003) Oh hey there my viewers! Ok so awhile ago I started re-watching Fullmetal Alchemist (2003) and I recently *spoilers coming* saw the part when Nina and Alexander were turned into a chimera and then killed by Scar. (if you know what I’m talking about then you are probly sad right now, I’m sorry!) Nina is just the most adorable little kid with so much hope and then her messed up father combined her and their dog to create a chimera that can speak the human language, so that he could pass the “evaluation”, he also did this with his wife so that he could become a state alchemist. LIKE WHAT THE HELL SHOU TUCKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TO GET TO THE LIFESTYLE TO BE HAPPY YOU SACRIFICED THE ONES YOU LOVED, BUT NOW YOU WILL NEVER TRULEY BE HAPPY BECAUSE THEY ARE GONE!!! WHAT IS THE HELL IS THE POINT OF THIS!!! To see if he could… That’s why he practically killed the ones he loved, to see if he could make them into the speaking chimeras. Apparently curiosity is worth more then lives!!!  LIES!!! One of the lessons we learn from FMA is that there is nothing you can trade for a human soul, that a soul is priceless.


Sorry for getting all depressing on you guys but that was really bugging me and I needed a topic.  But I hope that you all realize how precious you are *and I love each and every one of you, every time a see that I’ve gotten a view I smile. Thank you viewers for making me smile every day even if all you do is open my website, you’ve made my day better. To know that people think my point and view of things is worthy of reading, makes me feel wonderful. Thank you so much!! And remember even if you are feeling down, that people care about you! (Ok so this is kinda un-related but if you guys ever need advice or anything I’ll be here for you! Just leave a comment and I’ll answer it in my next post. No worrys you can be anonymous I just wont approve the comment and I’ll retype it out giving you a nickname or something, so you don’t have to let people know its you! Because I know that life isn’t always easy, so I’ll be here for you guys! I love each and every one of you, and I will never laugh or judge you, your worries are safe with me.) *  And remember that no matter what we do, we cant replace life, so live your life to the fullest for its is a gift.


Hello viewers… Well this week many of my friends have or are going to experience what they don’t usually experience everyday, by changing scenery and traveling to a different place. Good luck on your adventures my friends!!! Make sure that you are brave and try new things, experience new sensations, and have a wonderful journey! With every day that passes we are always given choices, may they be big or small. It is up to us to make our choices, choices that affect who we are. So be brave my viewers, make the choices that will make you who you want to be, even if they seem terrifying at the time.  To all who plan on going to new places or trying new things this summer, good luck on your adventures!

Quotes #8

Hello readers, I hope that you have all had a good day so far! Enjoy some quotes!


Hey there wonderful viewers, and Happy Canada Day!!!

Hey there wonderful viewers, and Happy Canada Day!!! ( yeah I know “wordpress time” its already July 2nd, but its still July 1st here so the greeting still works 🙂 ) Ok so about a week or so ago I was checking my spam comments, to see if there were any false spams. And one of the comments said that “they weren’t trying to be mean, but they believed that my post could be better, and that adding more detail would help”. I agree, I’m sorry that my post have been vague and rushed, but its not really easy to write a new post every day. I know that I could list excuse after excuse, but I wont.  I will try to improve the quality of my posts, and since I don’t have to worry about school and stuff since its summer, it shouldn’t be too much of a problem! 🙂 I would like to thank the person who sent the comment, for the advice and for not being rude about it.

Hmmm lets see I need a topic to as my friend likes to say “fluff”. Well I could talk about Canada day, but its practically over anyways. *5 minutes later…* Hmm well I’m not really thinking of anything I could write a short story or something, or I could talk about differences between manga and anime but none of those ideas are really inspiring. So instead I’m going to post some a picture and hope that I will find my inspiration to write again soon, as my creativity in writing has been hiding from me. As soon as I feel like my creativity and ideas are back, I will be sure to write a post! In the meantime enjoy this picture (of fireworks- to celebrate Canada day!)!! And also enjoy  Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day * *